Congratulations on using FirstClass. This is undoubtedly the best BBS software currently available on any hardware platform.
The settings document enclosed in this file is set up for MacTel. MacTel Iconex to be exact. Use the MacTel which is closest to you in telephone cost, or which you prefer because of what is on the board.
One subscription to MacTel covers the use of both boards, but it is not strictly necessary to use both. Feel free.
Subscription details are on both boards.
There are two MacTel boards, one in London (MacTel Metro) and one in Nottingham (MacTel Iconex). The Nottingham board is the main one for admin and subscriptions, and has a greater number of CDs on line, whereas the London one has a greater number of conferences, especially USENET conferences. It has also a larger licence disk, permitting it to handle a large number of callers.
MacTel Iconex is on 0115-9-455444 multi user on hi speed modems.
MacTel Metro is on 081-543-8017 multi user on hi speed modems.
Read the info files on the board you use to see local details such as the use of Dual Standards or Turbo modems.